Vaughn pictures

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

More Pictures of the Rodriguez house

Heartland guys, We appreciate the work you did last week. It was a great encouragement to us and I got to meet several people in the community because of your presence.


The Vaughns

New Project in Montana Vista

Jesus and Maria Rodriguez are expecting their fifth child any day now. They currently live in a 20ft. delapidated trailer. There were two other trailers on the property housing other relatives. But last week, an county inspector forced Jesus' brother Eduardo to move his trailer. The new site is a thorn infested plot of desert with no water or electricity. So now they are all crammed into two trailers.

Jesus' father had begun a brick home on the property, but he didn't have proper paperwork and was deported. A social worker familiar with our work on the Peña home alerted us to their need and asked if we could help. In February, my cousin Mike Bacon and a crew from Chattanooga Christian came and helped us lay block. Then we had a team from Shelterwood in Missouri who helped finish the walls. It was neat to meet some folk that knew Nate Humphries and JD Willis from this crew. March 14th -20th a team from Hearltand Community Church, our home church in Wichita, came and helped build trusses for the roof. In April or May we are trying to get a crew of people from the community here in El Paso to help put up the roof. Then in June we have a team coming from Covenant Pres in Chattanooga to put on flashing and shingle the roof.

Projects like this help build trust and form relationships in the community. They are also a practical demonstration of grace, because these folk did nothing to deserve the help. Please pray that God would use this tangible demonstration of love to transform people's hearts and build a spiritual dwelling here in Montana Vista.